A senior officer at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations Tom Nyasinga Omani.
He was the head of inspection department at the DCI before he was indisposed for almost two years.
His family said Omani who was of the rank of Assistant Inspector General of police died on Friday February 28, 2025 at the Aga Khan Hospital where he had been admitted.
He was still serving at the DCI at the time of his death.
His colleagues mourned him as a dedicated and disciplined officer. He was passionate about reforms in the service and in particular at DCI forensic department he served.
Omani once said cyber crime is the contemporary and most common crime that is committed in the society.
He recommended that all officers be trained on cyber crime, forensic and technology as a way of catching up with the global crimes at large.
“Physical evidence is no longer important to investigations and we must change the way we handle our operations in future because we need skilled manpower that can handle information technology,” said Omani.
He said there is need for review of ways of recruiting personnel into the unit and the work plan at large.
Omani said there is need to merge Flying Squad and Special Crimes Prevention Unit crack squads for better delivery of services to Kenyans.
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