A horse was electrocuted while grazing at the Green Park area, Uhuru Park, Nairobi.
The owner of the horse told police he left it while grazing at the park on Monday afternoon and left for errands in the city.
When he came back, he was heartbroken when he found the animal dead.
This was after it stepped on the wet ground connected to a live wire in the area
The live wire was lying on the ground following heavy rains that had been experienced in the area on Sunday, police said.
The rider told police the value of the horse was about Sh350,000. He said he has been using the horse to earn a living.
The most lucrative time is weekends when individuals ride on the horse at a fee.
Police responded to the scene and called the Kenya Power officials who disconnected the power supply before moving the carcass.
The rider said he is considering suing for the loss he incurred.
The heavy rains experienced caused destruction to property. Roads were also flooded.
The rains left at least two people dead after they drowned. Police said property was also destroyed.
Meanwhile, two people separately drowned in incidents reported in Kakamega County.
The first incident happened in Limangale village in Ibokolo sub-location, Butere where one Alfred Mabango Keya, 72 drowned in Imbanda stream while bathing.
The man is said to have slid into the water as he took a shower and drowned.
The body was later removed and taken to the mortuary pending autopsy and other procedures.
In Navokholo, Makunga area one Geofrey Shisoka Ambani, 43 drowned in river Kwava in Mwichina village within Ematiha location.
Police said the river is 200 meters from the homestead.
The body was retrieved from the river with no physical injuries and moved to Kakamega Referral Hospital mortuary awaiting an autopsy.
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